Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Wow! I can't believe it is already 2008, we are both 30 and feel old already. I rememer when I was younger I always thought that people in theri 30's were old and I don't feel old but I am. :( Things have been so well for us through the Christmas Season and into the New Year. We have so much to be thankful for and so many good friends and loving family. We were able to spend alot of time to those that are close to us and that was so nice.

Update on the children...Zach is 2 1/2 and all of that!! We are still working on potty training and have a good weeks and our not so good weeks. He gets it down really well and then seems to forget. He is sleeping now in his bed without the siderails and thinks he is cool stuff. He is also strating to pray all on his own now. Here is one of them, "Dear God be with Josh and make him all better and be with Grandma's owee and make it all better, be with Momom's owee and make it all better too. Be with all of the people, Amen". It is so sweet. He kinda sang in his first Christmas Program this year, Happy Birthday to Jesus. The reason I say kinda is because some of the children were singing quite loud and somewhat yelling which was really cute but confused Zach so he sat there holding his cupcake just looking around. We were proud that he even stood there in front of 400 people. He loves his sister so much and is really being a big helper for his Mommy.

Isabelle is our sweet little girl but an overachiever. She started crawling 1 1/2 months ago and then 1 week later started saying da da and then standing. She is now all over the place and is trying very hard to walk and is way too brave. Due to her braveness she has many falls and has cruises all over her face and head. The poor girl needs a helmet. :) She is finally sleeping through the night and wakes up such a happy girl. She is really enjoying playing and having some freedom to go wherever she wants to go.

David and I continue to work and try to keep up with everything. I have received a permanent part time position at the Hospital and get at least one day at home with my kids and I love that. David would still like to move us to Alma someday but for now I am able to hold him off. He is starting a "Body Challenge" next week, we have some friends who run a fitness center and this is a weight loss and body sculpting challenge and I must say you may not even recognize David in 8 weeks. :)

God has been so good to us this past year especially. We have a beautiful family (thanks to our kids) and everyone has been healthy for most of the year. We are not going to Florida this year during the winter which makes us quite sad, but we are looking forward to the Gilmore Reunion this Summer. My parents will be married 50 years this February and are going a Cruise provided by their children and then we will all celebrate together in July!!! YEAH!! We hope that his new year brings all of you peace and happiness and that the year ahead will be one full of faith and love.

Kruegers :)

1 comment:

Shoemaker Family said...

Yeah!! An update!! And thanks for the note on our blog. Now that you'll be updating I'll have to check more often, eh!

The kids are adorable! It's so wonderful to see the kids interact, isn't it? Tucker is really starting to realize Toby is a real human and is becoming quite the clown to make him laugh. What a joy kids are!!

Speaking of ER - we just got home late last night from Toby being in the hospital...Toby went by ambulance Friday and they admitted him for RSV. It's been a very long couple days (or weeks!!) but hopefully he is on the mend. I thought about you while I was there; but you probebaly weren't there on the weekend, right? I could have used a buddy there for a bit - except we were quarantined from any contact due to the RSV, so, actually, I don't know if you could have come in???

Anyway...hope I don't get to see you soon!! (at the hospital that is!)

Good to hear from you - sorry for the book back!